mySortimo – Overview of the features and services of the platform
Do more than just order Sortimo products at A range of online services are available to simplify your everyday working life. Save time and increase your productivity – how exactly? We’d be happy to explain!
Sortimo is heralding the era of digitalisation into the van racking sector with mySortimo. Configurators used to design your dream car are well known in the automotive sector – now the same is true for Sortimo van racking systems. Either use the configurator to get an idea of the price class of your preferred configuration and then ask for advice from a Sortimo consultant, or alternatively use the configurator to ultimately order your van racking system directly online. And, of course, we’re also on hand to help if you have questions during the configuration process. Either send an enquiry to the Sortimo Service Center through your account or call us directly.
Configure everything you need to obtain a ready-to-use commercial vehicle through mySortimo – to enable you to work as productively as possible. After all, there’s nothing worse than looking for a tool or the right screw when you’re pressed for time. We’ll show you how to avoid this scenario.
Make the most of these online services to transform your vehicle into the perfect “work horse”:
Create your van racking system using mySortimo configuration

Adding the different components
With the vehicle configurator mySortimo configuration, you put together SR5 according to your requirements and needs. You start with the vehicle selection, where you enter the data of your car. This automatically identifies the dimensions and fixing points for the Sortimo SR5 shelf and defines them for your vehicle. The basic frame is thus already present in the view in the configurator.
Adding the individual components
In the next step, use the mouse to place shelves, cases, BOXXes, drawers, SR drawers and other accessories between the specified SR5 side profiles at the desired positions in the shelf. You can recognise the correct and suitable placement by the green marking. If the selected component in the shelf has a green background, simply release the left mouse button and it is placed.
If you see a red background, it means that the selected component cannot be installed at that position or that there is a collision. In this caseAdding the individual components, you can search for another position or decide on a different size
You have price transparency over your selection at all times. You can see this at the bottom right of the window. If you are satisfied with your configuration, you can “Save and add to shopping cart” and order directly online. During the check-out process, you must then select an installation location and a desired installation date. Everything else will then be handled by us – you will be contacted.
If you are not quite sure yet and prefer to have a personal consultation, simply save your configuration in your account. In the vehicle administration you can find the configuration ID for your vehicle under vehicle details. With this ID, the sales consultant can access your configuration and discuss the planning with you as well as make optimisation suggestions and an offer.

Labelling for van racking systems using mySortimo labels

Already in the configurator for van racking, you have the option of providing each SR5 component with a labelling tag. This allows you to keep track of what is to be stowed where later on during configuration, and of course also afterwards during daily use. Each SR5 component then shows you the respective contents – so there is no need for long searches.
Another advantage is that you can always see your inventory list for the configuration. So you can simply print it out for an upcoming inventory and already have a nice overview of the material that should be present in the vehicle.
Furthermore, various colour codes help with orientation. A colour stands for an area, a purpose or an affiliation. For example, the components of the in-vehicle equipment with green labels contain everything for fastening (screws, dowels, etc.), the red labels everything for occupational safety and operating equipment (gloves, load securing, etc.).
Of course, you can also define the colour codes according to your own taste. As a service, however, we provide you with a little help under workplace organisation.

Tool inlays via mySortimo inlay

To store your tools, measuring instruments and other work material neatly and safely in drawers, SR drawers or cases and BOXXes, create an individual foam tool inlay with the help of the inlay configurator.
To do this, take a photo of your tools or equipment in the desired position in which they should later be arranged in the tool inlay or select your tools from the tool database and arrange them according to your wishes.
This way you can store the tools you need together for one work step in an SR5 drawer or in the Sortimo BOXXes and cases.
The two-coloured foam allows a missing tool to be identified immediately, which makes it possible to recognise a “left behind” at the place of use – which has a very positive effect, especially with expensive tools. But you yourself and / or your employees become more sensitive and mindful when handling tools. A clear plus point for economic efficiency. Just give it a try!

Vehicle wrapping via the configurator mySortimo graphics

With the mySortimo graphics wrap configurator, you can create a vehicle wrap quickly and easily. This way you can use your company vehicles as free advertising media.
In the first step, you select your vehicle using the vehicle data. In the next step, you will see the silhouette of your model. Thanks to the templates, you can only edit the areas that are suitable for a vehicle sticker. This makes the creation of a vehicle wrap child’s play, even for non-professionals.
At the same time, you always have an eye on the costs, as these are automatically adjusted each time the configuration is changed. Before ordering, you have the opportunity to check your configured wrap from all sides. We also offer you a professional data check, in which your configuration is checked again by one of our experts.

All these Sortimo products and online services help to perfect your mobile workplace.
The strategic concept of mySortimo was mainly based on the Japanese 5S methodology:
- The components of the SR5 van racking system itself make it versatile, as you can arrange every SR5 component however you need for your everyday work.
- Thanks to mySortimo labels, you can simply colour code and label every drawer, BOXX, case or SR drawer so that you or your employees or colleagues can easily find what they are looking for.
- mySortimo inlays provides individual foam inserts for drawers, cases and BOXXes, ensuring that your tools are always organised and ready to hand.
Discover more about the 5S method at
Overview of all online services in your mySortimo account
To keep track of all these services and products for each of your vehicles, you can see all ordered Sortimo products and saved configurations per vehicle in your mySortimo account. You can call up, change and order saved configurations here.
Of course, your Sortimo contact person will be happy to help you with any questions you may have about the products and configurators. By means of the configuration ID your contact person can access and check your configuration or provide you with a quotation for it. The configuration ID is stored in your vehicle administration under the corresponding vehicles in “Vehicle details”.
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